
If Radical New Deal Type Reforms are not Implemented, Right-wing populism and Christian Fascism Will Flourish

Just saw this article on my Aussie FB and thought it of interest to the group. We've just had an election where neither of the two majors received more than 30% of the vote, meaning a ton of independents and Greens are in the house after excelling at Obama-like local tactics. Maybe there's a chance in the US to beat the kind of tactics that saw the DNC destroy Bernie's chance of a fair primary, handing the WH to the right? And Murdoch assassinate Corbyn in the UK?

Just saw this article on my Aussie FB and thought it of interest to the group. We've just had an election where neither of the two majors received more than 30% of the vote, meaning a ton of independents and Greens are in the house after excelling at Obama-like local tactics.
Maybe there's a chance in the US to beat the kind of tactics that saw the DNC destroy Bernie's chance of a fair primary, handing the WH to the right? And Murdoch assassinate Corbyn in the UK?

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