
I don’t want to have to work to live

I've never managed to hold a job for more than 6 months because of my mental health. Jobs and working have always made me stressed and super anxious and it's not fun or enjoyable or even the slightest bit rewarding, let alone fulfilling in any way. I quit my last job over half a year ago, managing to pay for housing and utilities and food with just what I had saved up. Then I moved home for a month, but my family always asks me about work and finding a job and I just feel pressured by them all the time. So I've just taken a risk moving into a new place with some friends and we've collectively spent over 6K with security deposit and first month's rent (cutting a huge chunk of what I'd saved up from my last job). And yeah, I'll admit it's probably not the smartest…

I've never managed to hold a job for more than 6 months because of my mental health. Jobs and working have always made me stressed and super anxious and it's not fun or enjoyable or even the slightest bit rewarding, let alone fulfilling in any way.

I quit my last job over half a year ago, managing to pay for housing and utilities and food with just what I had saved up. Then I moved home for a month, but my family always asks me about work and finding a job and I just feel pressured by them all the time. So I've just taken a risk moving into a new place with some friends and we've collectively spent over 6K with security deposit and first month's rent (cutting a huge chunk of what I'd saved up from my last job).

And yeah, I'll admit it's probably not the smartest thing for me to be doing. At least if I live at home, I can save on money, but I'm also cut off from everything and everyone – living in a smaller city completely separate from my existing social circles and the hobbies and activities I'm used to doing with said social group. So between a rock and a hard place, I'm taking the more risky option that at least let's me live in a place I'm more comfortable/familiar in; try to make life a little more enjoyable.

I'll probably have to at least get a part-time job at some point before I've used up my savings. There's not much else I can do but just deal with it for as long as I can and hope I don't break down again. I just…want to be able to live my life the way I want to. And not have to make myself misrable doing things I don't care about for hours on end just to be exhausted by the end of it and dreading as the cycle repeats itself endlessly.

Honestly not sure if this is the right place to be ranting about my problems, but I only just discovered this subreddit and being validated for hating working and/or stressful jobs feels really damn nice.

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