
Even the entertainment industry to be famous doesn’t legally protect you

Even if you get the right connections and somehow end up famous in some way they will still exploit you but 5x more than in any corporate job and drain you up and spit you out when they don’t need you bc they see you as just as replaceable too. And you’re forced to work hard 24/7 busting your behind to stay relevant otherwise you’ll loose profit or they’ll dump you and look for someone else and your career is over. But at least you can walk home with a decent handful of money if you’re lucky but another thing to add on top is You have to be fully aware of cancel culture too, that is even more intense. And the culture and environment is toxic as hell because it’s all about looks and appearances, status and popularity more so than talent. You’re pressured to look a certain way…

Even if you get the right connections and somehow end up famous in some way they will still exploit you but 5x more than in any corporate job and drain you up and spit you out when they don’t need you bc they see you as just as replaceable too. And you’re forced to work hard 24/7 busting your behind to stay relevant otherwise you’ll loose profit or they’ll dump you and look for someone else and your career is over. But at least you can walk home with a decent handful of money if you’re lucky but another thing to add on top is You have to be fully aware of cancel culture too, that is even more intense. And the culture and environment is toxic as hell because it’s all about looks and appearances, status and popularity more so than talent. You’re pressured to look a certain way to pass their standards as well and that means undergoing expensive plastic surgery but it has to look natural and subtle otherwise it’s too obvious. And you have to constantly please everyone too. Once you’re on the screen, you have no other life than that, you’re married to your job. And you have to be aware of toxic fans who will have high demands of you otherwise they’ll make you feel bad about yourself if you don’t meet Thier standards either and feel like a disappointment and bad person. Also have to worry about any labels or companies, bosses etc being very controlling and abusive too. There’s also the risk of getting sexually assaulted too behind closed doors, which is really sad and ends up happening a lot. Basically if you go and become famous you have to be prepared to sacrifice your mental health and sanity. That’s why they keep talking about selling out or selling your soul. Because you literally do they have you really tied to your job at the hip and got you by the throat under Thier boots forcing you to lick them and you have no other choice. It’s a lot to deal with and will have you under pressure constantly. If you’re unlucky enough The people you work for only see you as a profit and cash cow if you’re not independent or surrounded with the right people.

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