
Stole some time from work.

Not on purpose, at first. Throughout the course of the school year, I missed about ten days due to being sick or needing the day off for something else. For two and a half of those days (taken on three different days spread over months) I just flat out forgot to put in the time off request. I didn't realize it until a couple weeks ago. School has been such a shitshow with Covid and all that, so neither the lady who handles substitutes or the principal caught it. Because of the massive substitute shortage, there was no actual substitute assigned, so payroll never caught on. They just covered my classes with staff already at the school. I left for a new school on Friday. So I got 2 and a half days off for free. Considering all the overtime I've put in, I don't feel bad about it. Considering…

Not on purpose, at first. Throughout the course of the school year, I missed about ten days due to being sick or needing the day off for something else. For two and a half of those days (taken on three different days spread over months) I just flat out forgot to put in the time off request. I didn't realize it until a couple weeks ago.

School has been such a shitshow with Covid and all that, so neither the lady who handles substitutes or the principal caught it. Because of the massive substitute shortage, there was no actual substitute assigned, so payroll never caught on. They just covered my classes with staff already at the school. I left for a new school on Friday. So I got 2 and a half days off for free.

Considering all the overtime I've put in, I don't feel bad about it. Considering my “pay raise” this year was another pay cut (less than inflation) for the 17th year in a row, I don't feel bad about it.

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