
Fuck the job hunt

Had an excellent interview last week just to hear back and get rejected. Whatever, I can respect the decision. What I can’t respect is the interviewer’s unasked for feedback where they said my lack of an answer for things I can improve on (which is a lie, I did answer after a moment of thought) showed a “lack of personal development and awareness.” Get over yourself. Jesus, can’t stand this process of getting torn down with 0 payoff.

Had an excellent interview last week just to hear back and get rejected. Whatever, I can respect the decision.

What I can’t respect is the interviewer’s unasked for feedback where they said my lack of an answer for things I can improve on (which is a lie, I did answer after a moment of thought) showed a “lack of personal development and awareness.”

Get over yourself. Jesus, can’t stand this process of getting torn down with 0 payoff.

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