
Work is a fake reality

When I was young I would hear adults talk about how young people should go to school, graduate, find a job and to keep advancing their careers, get married and have 2.5 kids and a dog, get a nice house with a white picket fence next to ever smiling neighbors next door, I thought that was nice. I grew up with a construction worker for a father, never really staying in one place for more than a few years at a time, going where the work was, he would build a house with he money he earned and then sell it for profit after the work dried up then move on to the next place, this would go on for decades. He is still doing this to this very day, but watching him go out and hustle I would start to resent the lifestyle because my life took a back…

When I was young I would hear adults talk about how young people should go to school, graduate, find a job and to keep advancing their careers, get married and have 2.5 kids and a dog, get a nice house with a white picket fence next to ever smiling neighbors next door, I thought that was nice.

I grew up with a construction worker for a father, never really staying in one place for more than a few years at a time, going where the work was, he would build a house with he money he earned and then sell it for profit after the work dried up then move on to the next place, this would go on for decades.

He is still doing this to this very day, but watching him go out and hustle I would start to resent the lifestyle because my life took a back seat and I didn't have roots anywhere, no friends, no fun life experiences, I had a gf and had to leave her behind, just nomad styling it across the country year after year, stuck in limbo, growing numb as the days burned on.

I would try to work with him but as anyone who worked with family would know it's like eating glass on a daily basis, he wouldn't even train me up to be proficient in the trades, when I messed up he would rage at me like I blew up his truck, he had everything and I was stuck with nothing of my own, I would try to escape him and his grind from hell but he always gaslight me into coming back, I just gave up, I was stunted and a prisoner to my own fathers work culture.

I would always hear from the employees of my father “man you are so luck to have all this” have what? I don't own anything, I don't have money, I don't have a car or truck, I don't have anything, it's all his shit.

When he is gone I am selling everything and getting a cabin somewhere away from everything and take a shotgun to that fucking anxiety inducing red dodge truck.

I hate work culture.

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