
i’m so tired of getting treated like crap for $12.50 an hour..

so i work at chick-fil-a. i used to work there for a month last year but recently came back as a rehire for the past 4 months. up until the beginning of may i liked my job but it’s been a living hell recently. i gotten re-hired as back of house which was my old position when i worked there the first time after telling my same supervisor i wanted to work in foh after my awful experience in boh which was why i quit in the first place. (i’ve asked several times could i be moved to foh but it’s an excuse everytime as to why i can’t be moved) boh is really toxic and filled a lot of people who aren’t chick-fil-a material when it comes to their personality and even kindness. most the leaders are super nasty to me and i don’t know why.. i’m a really…

so i work at chick-fil-a. i used to work there for a month last year but recently came back as a rehire for the past 4 months. up until the beginning of may i liked my job but it’s been a living hell recently.

i gotten re-hired as back of house which was my old position when i worked there the first time after telling my same supervisor i wanted to work in foh after my awful experience in boh which was why i quit in the first place. (i’ve asked several times could i be moved to foh but it’s an excuse everytime as to why i can’t be moved)

boh is really toxic and filled a lot of people who aren’t chick-fil-a material when it comes to their personality and even kindness. most the leaders are super nasty to me and i don’t know why.. i’m a really shy type of guy and i keep to myself as i do my tasks and go home.

but for the past few months we’ve been losing people left and right so now we’re short staffed. it’s been times where it’s hour gaps on the schedule and i’ve been left alone and most of the time i fall behind because it’s nobody to ask for help and the leaders get mad at me.

in the beginning of may i gotten cursed out at by a leader in front of everyone and i almost quit.. trying to hold back the tears instead of quitting which i should’ve done.. then my hours get cut out of nowhere i asked my boss and she said “i didn’t know” like what ?? YOU MAKE THE SCHEDULE how don’t you know ???

then today i overheard me being talked about saying i wasn’t good enough and i’m just done..

i was trying to suck it up to get a stable job history to qualify for a auto loan to buy my first car. but not only getting treated horribly and now my hours getting cut ?? i’ve honestly ran out of reasons to stay..

yet they wonder why my chick-fil-a is losing people for other employers who are paying more with less stress and a better work environment.. i’m about to follow my former team members very soon.. i’m done.. especially for a pissy $12.50 an hour

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