
I don’t know what I want to do anymore but I know what I don’t want. Please recommend how I can escape this perpetual misery and which roles you think would suit me.

I have a 11 GCSE's, 3 A-Levels and a 2:1 LLB Law degree. As a teen I was pretty good with Photoshop and basic HTML coding. I have extensive experience working in High Street and luxury retail stores whilst studying. Since graduating I have worked as a Trainee Law Costs Draftsman, a court clerk, and now a caseworker for another government agency. Initially I wanted to qualify as a solicitor however I am very disillusioned with the profession and its no longer something I'd like to pursue. I have previously applied to and interviewed for paralegal roles but these often require 2 years experience in a similar role at a Law firm and I find the starting salary for these roles to be insulting and not something feasible for me, having lived alone from the age of 16. I don't know what I want but I know what i don't…

I have a 11 GCSE's, 3 A-Levels and a 2:1 LLB Law degree.

As a teen I was pretty good with Photoshop and basic HTML coding.

I have extensive experience working in High Street and luxury retail stores whilst studying. Since graduating I have worked as a Trainee Law Costs Draftsman, a court clerk, and now a caseworker for another government agency.

Initially I wanted to qualify as a solicitor however I am very disillusioned with the profession and its no longer something I'd like to pursue. I have previously applied to and interviewed for paralegal roles but these often require 2 years experience in a similar role at a Law firm and I find the starting salary for these roles to be insulting and not something feasible for me, having lived alone from the age of 16.

I don't know what I want but I know what i don't want.
1. I don't want to be around people on a daily basis, in an office with office politics.
2. I don't want to work a role wherein I can't adopt my own approach in order to complete the work
3. I don't want to work a role where I am micromanaged and asked or expected to explain my every movement.
4. I don't want to work a role where I am told when I can and can't take an allocated break.
5. I don't want to work a role where I am constantly expected to not take a break in order to fulfill duties that simply aren't reflective of the work of one person.
6. I don't want to work a role which provides inadequate training and then immediately introduces targets.
7. I don't want to work a role where staff members genuine concerns are dismissed as adopting a negative mindset.

I would like:
1. Either self employment of some kind or a role I can progress within
2. A role which feels fulfilling in terms of the actual work being undertaken
3. A salary of £21k+ per annum
4. I would prefer to not work weekends, but would be willing to do so.

I have found the civil service to cater to toxic working environments. I have only been in my current caseworker role since March and already hate it. I feel defeated as I continue to go from role to role only to find that the environment is just as toxic as the last. I am burnt out from the constant cycle of disappointment and constant job applications and it is having a real impact on my mental health.

I would appreciate any advice as to roles I could consider or explore, what it will take to get such a role (e.g costs, training and/or timescales) or any other general advice you could give. Feel free to ask any questions.

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