
what is stopping you guys from striking (USA)?

Seems like a general strike is in order. With inflation doing it's thing over the years, the value of ones output (product or service) has depreciated, leading to poverty. The monetary system (the fed) has completely failed you, as it was designed to do, and as is the case with all central banks. They are not designed to help you. Any US president who has tried to abolish private central banks ends up being assassinated. Historical facts (and this is for another topic, but we really need anonymous politicians, so that good politicians fighting for the working class cannot be killed/blackmailed/harassed). You are being ruled by a mafia and until you stand up against it (not by voting, that system barely works), your value income will degrade until they sell you wood chips to eat. In order to keep up with inflation, you'll need an 8% raise every year to…

Seems like a general strike is in order. With inflation doing it's thing over the years, the value of ones output (product or service) has depreciated, leading to poverty. The monetary system (the fed) has completely failed you, as it was designed to do, and as is the case with all central banks. They are not designed to help you. Any US president who has tried to abolish private central banks ends up being assassinated. Historical facts (and this is for another topic, but we really need anonymous politicians, so that good politicians fighting for the working class cannot be killed/blackmailed/harassed). You are being ruled by a mafia and until you stand up against it (not by voting, that system barely works), your value income will degrade until they sell you wood chips to eat.

In order to keep up with inflation, you'll need an 8% raise every year to keep the same value income. They change the definition of inflation to fool you even. That means that unless you are getting that raise plus more, any smart employee would shop for a new job to compensate for the losses. This is incredibly, incredibly inefficient for businesses, and will hurt America. It already is. Nobody can retain good talent, and no business can possibly offer such huge raises each year without raising their own prices, and fucking you again as the consumer. It starts to spiral out of control when supply chain backs up because of this, pumping up demand and driving up prices even more. You can almost see the cracks in every day life.

A loyal workforce is best for America. Loyalty needs to go both ways, and when it's not, Americans need to stand up for themselves, but also for their countrymen. You should not have to switch jobs every year to make ends meet, and in fact ethically you shouldn't, because otherwise society would literally collapse if everyone stopped working and was job hunting/a new employee ALL THE TIME. If you ethically want to be a professional, and perform your job at the standard you expect of yourself, you are stuck either A: getting paid less in value each year, and doing it as a service to humanity or B: job hopping and not benefitting society (as an employee that is). A lot of people in healthcare have seen enough of this 'service to humanity' bullshit. Fuck that.

Those options really really suck. The third option would be a general strike. All it means is everyone is fed up enough that they are willing to do it at the same time.

8+% inflation is completely unacceptable. And the fed won't raise rates to curb inflation (.25% is not gonna cut it, we literally need at least 40x that raise) Why? Because they don't want to tank the economy. Why??? Because their homeboys still have assets in there who need more time before exiting their positions (and letting your 401k hold the fucking bag).

Be fucking angry. You are not a human to some people. And those people are central banks, and the people who own the news, and the banks who take over our great American corporations and drive them into wage slave machines.

It doesn't need to be like this. We don't need to keep living under this propoganda machine. We won't. Society will boil over naturally once literal starvation hits the masses, but it's a lot better to start beforehand. Civil revolts will be more and more frequent.

Demand a higher salary. Demand less inflation. Demand a currency that isn't printed and handed to the 1% which drives inflation (see greenback, Lincoln assassination). If not for yourself, for your family and friends and all of the working class.

And just for the record… I am a business owner with no employees (so pretty neutral). I am not working paycheck to paycheck. I have worked hard and have saved a lot. But this system is so fucked up that even a savings account is just a tool for inflation (theft). We need to bring back fiscal responsibility, when saving up money was a good idea that our parents taught us.. bring back a working fucking economy. But it's not up to me, it's not up to you. This is an 'us' problem.

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