Being unemployed and low on savings, I have to cut back on doing a lot of stuff. Shortly after losing my job in late 2019 I stopped hanging out with people. And it's gotten very stale. The only connections I where I still have meaningful conversations with are either 100% online, or 2 family members. But, I still want to go back to having a normal life, job or no job. Kind of tired of knowing that people you talk to are visiting people in other states, or having a wedding, or even just going to watch the latest movie. Anyone else trying to get back into that return to normalcy? How do you make new friends without a job and with very little money, and do regular hang outs and stuff?
I know that you have to keep job searching and doing interview practice, and whatever other skills practice you need, to get back to a stable income again. But everyone has their limit. There's more to life than practicing and applying for jobs. Being unemployed shouldn't be stopping us from having a normal social life, until we find work again.
It's been 2 and a half years of no work for me and I got burned out with applications 6 months ago and stopped. Trying to get back in, but it doesn't feel the same. But job or no job, I still want to be like a normal person who has opportunities to hang out every now and then.