Hello guys, so I work at a call center in TX and I accrue PTO throughout the year, but it expires at the end of the year. It starts and ends on my hire date which was February 1st. So I submitted my request for PTO in early November and my days off were supposed to be early January. December came, and there was no response. Then January starts and my sup leaves the job. She was also one of the people in charge of approving PTO. No response in early January either. Then mid January comes and I email HR about this and they said they would email my manager. That same day my acting sup says that if we have any PTO requests to send them to a certain person. I dont, i wait for the HR response or manager response because at this point I'm not submitting a request, I want info since the days I requested already past and all requests need to be submitted 30 days in advance. I don't have 30 days since it's mid January and my hire date is Feb 1st. So what do I do? A week goes by and no answer. Then I email my manager and the new PTO person about this, and no response again. Then Feb 1st comes around and nothing still. I email them again on the 2nd and finally get an answer. What was their answer? “Your PTO expired on the 31st, there's nothing we can do.”
I mean it was their fault it expired! They only got to me after it expired. I did everything right and requested well in advance. But is there anything I can do? A complaint or some agency or something I can go to? I would at least like to get those days paid out.