
Paycheck error ?

Quit my job on 5/17. Gave three days notice to be done on 5/20. CEO called and said he’d pay me through the 20th but to turn in my stuff and be done the day I quit. Just got my final paycheck, which was supposed to just have 40 hours from that one week. Paycheck says 40 hours were worked, but they paid me my whole salary for the pay period equal to 80 hours, not 40. Am I supposed to say something to correct it?

Quit my job on 5/17. Gave three days notice to be done on 5/20. CEO called and said he’d pay me through the 20th but to turn in my stuff and be done the day I quit. Just got my final paycheck, which was supposed to just have 40 hours from that one week. Paycheck says 40 hours were worked, but they paid me my whole salary for the pay period equal to 80 hours, not 40. Am I supposed to say something to correct it?

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