
Owners ‘forgot’ or were ‘too busy’ to pay us again

Gave my two weeks at my underpaid job (16$/hr) two weeks ago. Tomorrow is my last day. When i reconfirmed that tomorrow is my last day with my manager he got MAD & then passive aggressive, claiming that i told him three weeks (i specifically told him two) & he had no idea what he was going to do without me next tuesday. When i offered to make something work if it really was putting him in a bind he snapped “I’LL FIGURE IT OUT.” Also woke up today, which is payday, & the owners did not pay us. This has happened three or four times & while the money usually shows up by Monday, there is no communication or headsup beforehand & it being the first week of a new month i’m left scrambling to pay bills that are due today. The excuse is usually handed down the day…

Gave my two weeks at my underpaid job (16$/hr) two weeks ago. Tomorrow is my last day.

When i reconfirmed that tomorrow is my last day with my manager he got MAD & then passive aggressive, claiming that i told him three weeks (i specifically told him two) & he had no idea what he was going to do without me next tuesday. When i offered to make something work if it really was putting him in a bind he snapped “I’LL FIGURE IT OUT.”

Also woke up today, which is payday, & the owners did not pay us. This has happened three or four times & while the money usually shows up by Monday, there is no communication or headsup beforehand & it being the first week of a new month i’m left scrambling to pay bills that are due today. The excuse is usually handed down the day we realize we we didnt get paid and it’s always they ‘forgot’ or were ‘too busy’.

I have the form i need to report them. Problem is, they’ll know exactly who did it, even if if i request anonymity, & my boss will complain about it to anyone who listens. It’s a small town & i’m one of two women in this area in this particular industry, & even tho im not interested in continuing on this career path, its going to paint a target on my back.

If i needed reaffirmation (beyond the 16/hr) that leaving is a good idea, boy – this sure is it. Also at what point does the ‘angry you’re leaving’ manager trope get old? You’re paid to manage – so manage & find someone new. I’ve managed people before myself & this is seriously unprofessional.

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