
Update: “Professional Courtesy” job change, and how the job I wanted is even worse

Hello all, I'm back with an update from this post I made 4 months ago. Spoilers: Not great! TL;DR I applied to two jobs, the one that offered me a position first called my (then) boss and asked if he was ok if they extended their offer. I accepted while I waited for the other (and preferred) company's offer. Great news, the Preferred Opportunity offered me a position. The first month was good, but then my (actually excellent) manager had a dream opportunity elsewhere and they wisely took it. Since then, things have gotten unmanageable – five people have left or given notice in the last two weeks. Someone on my team gave notice and they were fired off-hours by phone. The others get to work out their 2 weeks. I think management has begun to suspect people aren't happy here (lol). We had a meeting yesterday where it started…

Hello all, I'm back with an update from this post I made 4 months ago. Spoilers: Not great!

TL;DR I applied to two jobs, the one that offered me a position first called my (then) boss and asked if he was ok if they extended their offer. I accepted while I waited for the other (and preferred) company's offer.

Great news, the Preferred Opportunity offered me a position. The first month was good, but then my (actually excellent) manager had a dream opportunity elsewhere and they wisely took it. Since then, things have gotten unmanageable – five people have left or given notice in the last two weeks. Someone on my team gave notice and they were fired off-hours by phone. The others get to work out their 2 weeks.

I think management has begun to suspect people aren't happy here (lol). We had a meeting yesterday where it started out sounding like they were going to take accountability, but they promptly turned it around in the wildest episode of the SpinZone I've ever seen. Among the points:

“I think about the people we've lost, and I just feel sad for them. Their shortsightedness kept them from seeing what they could be a part of.”

“I think people just get into this emotional frame of mind when facing [the volume problem], but honestly, this job isn't that hard.” This was just after confirming that we have less than 20 adjusters and a pending caseload of 2500 growing every day, while having to maintain an open phone line.

“We really appreciate the hard work you guys are doing!”

“Everything you do on a file has a trickle-down effect on the customers.” Not said in any way that implicates this also applies to management.

But don't worry, guys! They just hired TWO new adjusters. And the claims left behind by all these people who are just too shortsighted to see the potential greatness? The managers are kindly taking those after “much consideration.”

So I applied to 18 jobs yesterday because working for these people is unsustainable. Or maybe I'm just shortsighted? Who knows! The endless and exploitative extraction of our labor continues. God I just want to sink into the ground and let the earth eat my bones. I hate living like this.

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