
Got Fired Suddenly, Struggling to get money

In an ideal world, work as it is traditionally known in a capitalistic society wouldn't exist. However, until Socialist Jesus returns to earth, I would like to make money and survive. I have been applying to jobs but with minimal success. The places that want me are paying next to nothing and the places I want to join aren't responding. How do you guys make it work when you are, presumably, not working? I just signed a year long lease thinking this job was gonna work out and now I am worried. I have been mostly looking for remote jobs to have more flexibility but even that hasn't been panning out. I have started applying for local retails jobs, even though I hate such work- just so I can pay rent when it comes round. For more info, I just graduated with my bachelors and have several years in customer…

In an ideal world, work as it is traditionally known in a capitalistic society wouldn't exist. However, until Socialist Jesus returns to earth, I would like to make money and survive.

I have been applying to jobs but with minimal success. The places that want me are paying next to nothing and the places I want to join aren't responding. How do you guys make it work when you are, presumably, not working?

I just signed a year long lease thinking this job was gonna work out and now I am worried.

I have been mostly looking for remote jobs to have more flexibility but even that hasn't been panning out. I have started applying for local retails jobs, even though I hate such work- just so I can pay rent when it comes round.

For more info, I just graduated with my bachelors and have several years in customer service under my belt. Idk if that means anything but its there.

Does anyone have advice ? Either for job searching or just ways to make money until I have a stable job? I am so tired of financially struggling all the time and worrying about money. Remote work would be most ideal.

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