
losing it slowly , feeling trapped

Hi y'all I'll keep this relatively short I'm doing this with voice to text now as well so grammar police please stand down. So I'm currently working in a financial institution and without going into details of other issues right now that one of the bigger issues is working in that environment it's just really challenging It's never ending and it's all paperwork making copies using an antiquated system, And to be perfectly fair I've been here almost 11 months and I don't feel like I'm really mastering the job today I had an appointment I didn't know I had an appointment I forgot I was on lunch and I got texted by a fellow worker and a fellow manager and I was sitting and having lunch and I just said I'd be there when I got back and it was like 5 or 10 minutes later and my fellow…

Hi y'all

I'll keep this relatively short I'm doing this with voice to text now as well so grammar police please stand down.

So I'm currently working in a financial institution and without going into details of other issues right now that one of the bigger issues is working in that environment it's just really challenging It's never ending and it's all paperwork making copies using an antiquated system, And to be perfectly fair I've been here almost 11 months and I don't feel like I'm really mastering the job today I had an appointment I didn't know I had an appointment I forgot I was on lunch and I got texted by a fellow worker and a fellow manager and I was sitting and having lunch and I just said I'd be there when I got back and it was like 5 or 10 minutes later and my fellow co-worker took it over and helped the customer but then after that she was hostile the rest of the day and this is a person I consider a friend, I do plenty for her and for the branch manager so it's just thankless work more importantly though I'm just I'm starting to slowly lose it and it sucks because I want to keep an income but I'm not happy I'm a sales guy so I don't know what to do and I'm not going to lie no one else can read this no one that knows me will ever be able to tell I wrote this but I'm sometimes feeling like giving up like things are meaningless I was driving to work the other day and I thought about how I could go ahead and drive into a semi of course did not do that it's been cloudy whether the last three days and I'm sure that's also affecting it there's other issues romantic issues mainly I didn't know sometimes life can be a real kick in the ass sometimes it seems to be better just to not have to deal with it anymore if I was independently wealthy I wouldn't it be working here I would probably go see a therapist or go to some kind of retreat for a week or two I know my mental health is slipping and it just sucks to see it happening in real time, anyways I guess I'm going to ask you if any of you have been through this before and what you did and also thanks for just listening It means a lot and you know there's people out there that will actually give you feedback or even care thanks again y'all I hope you have a great weekend.

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