
something I realized, that many of you may already know in different terms

I have an ex who is a workaholic. Would always put his job before our relationship, (which is why it didn't work out) but I understood this and understood him, we're still friends. Anyway, not the point of this post. What I realized when I was with him is that whatever controls your schedule controls your life. Work obviously being one of the biggest examples of this. And it's not only about your work schedule/hours that controls your life. With my ex for example (and I've been here too), outside of work time .. he had to go to sleep at a certain hour to wake up FOR WORK, eat at particular times that DIDNT INTERFERE WITH HIS WORK SCHEDULE, “could only spend time with me” if it meant I wasn't in the way of all of these other factors that centred around him getting to his job on time,…

I have an ex who is a workaholic. Would always put his job before our relationship, (which is why it didn't work out) but I understood this and understood him, we're still friends. Anyway, not the point of this post.

What I realized when I was with him is that whatever controls your schedule controls your life. Work obviously being one of the biggest examples of this. And it's not only about your work schedule/hours that controls your life. With my ex for example (and I've been here too), outside of work time .. he had to go to sleep at a certain hour to wake up FOR WORK, eat at particular times that DIDNT INTERFERE WITH HIS WORK SCHEDULE, “could only spend time with me” if it meant I wasn't in the way of all of these other factors that centred around him getting to his job on time, and with “the right amount of energy”.

I know this sub is all about how working/jobs essentially enslave us to their demands, so I'm sure many of you already know/understand this, I just wanted to put it into to terms that anyone, even people not a part of this sub, understand.

Whatever controls your schedule controls your life. No one should let that thing be anything other than themselves and personal goals.

Thanks for reading.

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