
I Feel Like A Disappointment

Just thinking about how I’ve been working for about half of my life and how little of my own goals I’ve gotten accomplished for various reasons. I used to be extremely ambitious and wanted to move up into corporate, but some of my own actions have sabotaged that (thankfully, looking back, it turned out to be a good thing). I want to open my own business, but I’m not good enough with money to open such an enterprise. I make good money in what I’m doing and reasonably happy where I’m at now, but I’m sad about not knowing what my end game is. This is underscored by the fact that my wife is beholden to a corporation that creates terrible working conditions and she’s stuck there out of loyalty. I love traveling and eating and would love to go into some sort of business for myself that involves that,…

Just thinking about how I’ve been working for about half of my life and how little of my own goals I’ve gotten accomplished for various reasons. I used to be extremely ambitious and wanted to move up into corporate, but some of my own actions have sabotaged that (thankfully, looking back, it turned out to be a good thing). I want to open my own business, but I’m not good enough with money to open such an enterprise.

I make good money in what I’m doing and reasonably happy where I’m at now, but I’m sad about not knowing what my end game is. This is underscored by the fact that my wife is beholden to a corporation that creates terrible working conditions and she’s stuck there out of loyalty.

I love traveling and eating and would love to go into some sort of business for myself that involves that, but just don’t know where to start. In the meantime, just trudging away at my 9-5. Thanks for listening to my rant.

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