
Reading some of the posts on here remind me of a huge disaster I avoided by quitting after day two of training!!

I was going to nursing school and I applied at a nursing home for seniors, as a CCMA, I really needed a job while attending school and I was willing to start at the bottom and work my way up. The interview should’ve been my first red flag, after the interview I walked Into the office of head nurse and I kid you not there must’ve been 300 sheets of paper all over her desk all different directions, it wasn’t like a stack it was like a mountain shaped pile of paper. I looked at it and thought to myself this is how people die this is a freaking disaster. But like I said I really needed a job. The pay was garbage too, it was freaking $10 an hour but the head nurse there promised me “I’m going to start you in this position since you don’t have a…

I was going to nursing school and I applied at a nursing home for seniors, as a CCMA, I really needed a job while attending school and I was willing to start at the bottom and work my way up. The interview should’ve been my first red flag, after the interview I walked Into the office of head nurse and I kid you not there must’ve been 300 sheets of paper all over her desk all different directions, it wasn’t like a stack it was like a mountain shaped pile of paper.

I looked at it and thought to myself this is how people die this is a freaking disaster. But like I said I really needed a job. The pay was garbage too, it was freaking $10 an hour but the head nurse there promised me “I’m going to start you in this position since you don’t have a lot of experience but after a few months I’ll move you up and then after you finish your degree we will hire you on.”

The first two days were training, I watched some training videos and did some paperwork and I met some of the senior citizens there they were super cute and sweet. Then I also met some of the LVN‘s and house keeping staff again they were all nice they asked if I was the new nurse and I told them no I was still in school and I was going to be the CCMA. (insert their confused faces) this should’ve been another red flag for me because I soon found out she was the only nurse.

What they needed was a full-time nurse, so basically she was hiring me at a crappy wage without real nursing experience and was going to have me as her “back up nurse “.

The real kicker was my daughter was getting married and was coming into town for the weekend and I had let her know that I would need that Saturday off to go with my daughter to shop for her wedding dress and she said yes before I was hired but after I was hired she told me I couldn’t have the day off. I needed a job but there was no way I was going to miss out on that experience my daughter.

So basically after the first two days of training I’ve never came back and she blew my phone up trying to get me to come back! I don’t regret it I’m sure after looking at that pile of paperwork that place was going to be a complete disaster and she was probably going to try to blame me for things.

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