
Most recent job has made me completely lose faith in employers

I already had pretty low faith in employers to begin with but I thought I’d keep my head up and try to see the bright side on everything. I started a new(ish) job that required us to stand all day (45-50 hours a week) even though the same exact place nearby part of the same chain allowed their receptionists to sit. I posted before About how my coworker was about to sit to eat her lunch on break and our boss stopped her and said we no longer get sitting breaks because we are so short staffed. Well new update on that… before I got this job I left my abusive ex. I left when he was out and left a note telling him I’m not coming back. Then I got a new place and started this job. Well one morning several weeks later, he showed up at my new…

I already had pretty low faith in employers to begin with but I thought I’d keep my head up and try to see the bright side on everything.

I started a new(ish) job that required us to stand all day (45-50 hours a week) even though the same exact place nearby part of the same chain allowed their receptionists to sit. I posted before About how my coworker was about to sit to eat her lunch on break and our boss stopped her and said we no longer get sitting breaks because we are so short staffed.

Well new update on that… before I got this job I left my abusive ex. I left when he was out and left a note telling him I’m not coming back. Then I got a new place and started this job. Well one morning several weeks later, he showed up at my new apartment. It was super scary but I still went to work anyway. While I was there I felt super sick and cried in the bathroom. I told my boss and co worker why I was crying and my coworker got me a tissue and I then went back to work and pretended to be happy. About 20 minutes later my boss said their stomach hurt so they’re going to go home early for the day. I was already on the brink of crying again thinking about how my ex found my house so I asked the next person in charge if I could go home early and they said yes. The next day I went to work and everything was normal. I heard my boss talking about how after they left yesterday they went day drinking with their friends near the beach all day. I worked a longer shift than normal and left after as usual. My feet were still aching from my shift and I got a call before I even reached my car to leave.

They fired me on this call and said it’s because I need to learn how to handle my emotions before getting a job. They said that even if something really bad happens to you, to be able to work, you have to be able to pretend everything is fine…. I was in shock. My feet were killing me and my boss left early to go day drinking and yet I can’t leave early when my abusive ex shows up at my new apartment? Mind you I have never left early ever and it was a slow day and I got permission to leave. I even told them to use one of my PTO days if they wanted (I get 5 for the year and haven’t used any)

I don’t think I can handle being around employers who don’t understand employees are not your slave robots. We are people.

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