
Id rather be homeless than forced to work…but apparently that’s not an option.

So, kill me then. Why make me suffer? You dont want me here, then kill me. I've been doing the tent thing for awhile now…and I'd rather do this than have to sacrifice my whole life for money. I feed myself, I do odd jobs to eat, I fish, I forage for food. And the rest of the time, I read a lot of books. I'm honestly much happier this way. But, I have just been “caught” and warned I need to go to a shelter and “seek services” as camping “without a permit” is illegal. It takes 30 days to get a permit (money) and then you have to campsite fees…etc. If not, they will come and “seize my belongings”. Tf..not sure how they can seize my id,passport, birth certificate, ss card..but ok? As if I need other people's permission to exist. I'm seriously about to go to the…

So, kill me then. Why make me suffer? You dont want me here, then kill me.

I've been doing the tent thing for awhile now…and I'd rather do this than have to sacrifice my whole life for money. I feed myself, I do odd jobs to eat, I fish, I forage for food. And the rest of the time, I read a lot of books. I'm honestly much happier this way.

But, I have just been “caught” and warned I need to go to a shelter and “seek services” as camping “without a permit” is illegal. It takes 30 days to get a permit (money) and then you have to campsite fees…etc. If not, they will come and “seize my belongings”. Tf..not sure how they can seize my id,passport, birth certificate, ss card..but ok?

As if I need other people's permission to exist.

I'm seriously about to go to the cops and ask them…am I allowed to exist on my own terms? Or is that illegal. I'm not bothering anyone. Just leave me alone!

I don't your services. I don't want your 40 hours a week. I dont want to have to constantly worry about paying rent. I dont want to force my body awake when it doesnt want to.

I just want to be left alone. I'm happier like this. Being “in the system” made me miserable. Almost suicidal. So I opted out.

Im seriously about to be arrested tomorrow I guess.

Either get a job, or get arrested apparently.

And it's not like I'm “not productive”. I do things…but I dont like the obligation of money for the things I do do. I mean, I have contributed to the fields of science, art, politics, psychology etc and not once have I ever been paid for it…and I don't even want to be. That's not why I contributed to those fields to begin with.

Just leave me alone. I don't need to do things the way other people want..”because they said so”.

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