I was hired at a gas station as a cashier for $10/hr to work one morning, one evening, and two overnight shifts per week. Apparently did a good enough job to get promoted to assistant manager (with more responsibilities and a whole $1/hr raise) about a month after starting. A coworker, who works the other 5 overnight shifts, got covid and had to take two weeks off. Was told we'd have to close overnight if I didn't pick up his shifts because they're having trouble finding new people, so I worked 14 overnight shifts in a row, missing two holidays with my family and putting my own health at risk from exhaustion. I pointed out some payroll discrepancies in my overtime pay to HR, which were never really resolved, following those two weeks. The time for the raise I was promised is coming up, and they've cut my hours to 24 per week “because of budget cuts.” They obviously want me to quit. In six hours, when my relief and the store manager show up, they'll get what they wanted.