
Uncle assaulted at work

My elderly uncle (70???) has been working the last few years as a delivery driver for one of the big auto parts chains. He doesn’t really need the money but as a widower with an empty house he enjoys the job. He worked his entire career as a pepperidge farm delivery guy. He’s the cookie man. Regardless that’s why he does what he does. Recently his store got a new hot head interim boss whom I gather is very young. Early 20’s at the most. A couple weeks ago he started his shift at 6am (before the store opens). A few hours later he finished his runs and came back to home base. He asked the new manager if he had anything for him and was told no. My uncle stated that he was gonna go grab a coffee then. He was entitled to his 15 minute break after all.…

My elderly uncle (70???) has been working the last few years as a delivery driver for one of the big auto parts chains. He doesn’t really need the money but as a widower with an empty house he enjoys the job. He worked his entire career as a pepperidge farm delivery guy. He’s the cookie man. Regardless that’s why he does what he does. Recently his store got a new hot head interim boss whom I gather is very young. Early 20’s at the most.

A couple weeks ago he started his shift at 6am (before the store opens). A few hours later he finished his runs and came back to home base. He asked the new manager if he had anything for him and was told no. My uncle stated that he was gonna go grab a coffee then. He was entitled to his 15 minute break after all. He took his truck directly across the street to the gas station, grabbed a coffee and came right back. When he pulled back in the new manager was waiting in the parking lot and immediately came at him. Screaming at him through the window that he never gave permission to take a break or leave. And then how he’s not allowed to drink coffee in the truck. My uncle explained that he was entitled to his break and asked if there was anything he was needed for. And that he wasn’t drinking the coffee in the truck but simply transporting it back to the store.

At some point here the new manager physically accosted my uncle, punching him in the face. Screaming he then sent him home for the day. Well my uncle went home and rested as the punch kinda fucked him up. The next day he tried to file a police report but was told he’d have to come in on Monday to do this. (It was Saturday now). Monday he couldn’t file because he spent the whole day in the hospital getting tested for possible bleeding in the brain. By the time he went in Tuesday he was told there was nothing they could do. There were no witnesses and conveniently the outside cameras weren’t recording that day. Three lawyers have told him there is no case worth filing. His company moved him to a new store where he’s away from the manager after filing complaints with corporate.

Not looking for advice or anything. Just trying to rant about the o’auto parts and their shitty corporate protection racket. All three lawyers (these were good respected attorneys) told him that the company is controlled by ozarks mafia and any lawsuit is bound to fail or get tied up forever. One lawyer even hinted at possible “retribution” were my uncle to make a big deal out of this.

Fuck corporate America and the people who enable this shit.

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