
How the working class boomers got brainwashed: don’t do this:

My mom came home today, When she walked in the door she had two large boxes of mail she brought home from the office that has to be sent out first thing tomorrow morning. First thing! She has had a cough and not feeling well for four days, no temperature. Take another COVID test: guess what? Positive. Her condition is worsening but before she went to bed she said, can you take the mail to the post office first thing when they open? It's the monthly newsletter and I don't want it to be late. I will take that mail to the trash can tomorrow because if you're sick with COVID-19, the monthly newsletter is not your problem anymore. Our parents were taught that sickness is not as important as bulk mail. FFS.

My mom came home today, When she walked in the door she had two large boxes of mail she brought home from the office that has to be sent out first thing tomorrow morning. First thing! She has had a cough and not feeling well for four days, no temperature. Take another COVID test: guess what? Positive. Her condition is worsening but before she went to bed she said, can you take the mail to the post office first thing when they open? It's the monthly newsletter and I don't want it to be late. I will take that mail to the trash can tomorrow because if you're sick with COVID-19, the monthly newsletter is not your problem anymore. Our parents were taught that sickness is not as important as bulk mail. FFS.

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