
wanted to thank this subreddit.

Throwaway account. Live in Sweden. Since finding out about this sub a couple a months ago I have drastically lowered my work effort. After working retail for 3 years without getting any bonuses and only unionized raise. I have literally lowered my work effort so low that our internship people we have here over the summer is doing more work then I do. And they don't even get paid via the company (unemployment payment only). Best thing is that I have literally got almost everyone on my department on board with this. So now it's not uncommon for us to take over 30 minutes to dispose trash (a 5 min job). Taking almost 2 hours lunch breaks (have 1 hour). And having more toilet breaks, breaks for drinking water or just going out for a smoke. And as most of us are unionized the bosses fear confronting us because that…

Throwaway account. Live in Sweden. Since finding out about this sub a couple a months ago I have drastically lowered my work effort. After working retail for 3 years without getting any bonuses and only unionized raise. I have literally lowered my work effort so low that our internship people we have here over the summer is doing more work then I do. And they don't even get paid via the company (unemployment payment only).

Best thing is that I have literally got almost everyone on my department on board with this. So now it's not uncommon for us to take over 30 minutes to dispose trash (a 5 min job). Taking almost 2 hours lunch breaks (have 1 hour). And having more toilet breaks, breaks for drinking water or just going out for a smoke. And as most of us are unionized the bosses fear confronting us because that could lead to interventions with a ombudsman from the union.

Fuck big companies. Thank you for antiwork for existing. I might sell my hours the same way but atleast I don't have to work my body to death anymore.

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