

I got let go from my job at 2 months, one was because I made 3 mistakes, none that were huge. I'm starting to feel maybe it's me, maybe I'm not meant for office work anymore. Everytime I try to hold a job down a family member has died. Maybe it's the grief I'm going through, I don't know anymore. Office work seems so cutthroat and hell. At 50, let a husband, and really thinking I'm no longer meant to do office work. Lost in corporate America.

I got let go from my job at 2 months, one was because I made 3 mistakes, none that were huge. I'm starting to feel maybe it's me, maybe I'm not meant for office work anymore. Everytime I try to hold a job down a family member has died. Maybe it's the grief I'm going through, I don't know anymore. Office work seems so cutthroat and hell.
At 50, let a husband, and really thinking I'm no longer meant to do office work.
Lost in corporate America.

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