
Help, I’m trapped.

TLDR; I can't leave my job without facing simultaneous joblessness, homelessness, and being blacklisted from working anywhere within the area. They are above the law. My life's purpose and dream is to help people and I'd like my next job to be that but I have no qualifications. -THE LONG STORY- So I've been working at this company for 7 years now. I knew it was shit from the beginning but I got a job here because a friend of mine had just gotten an abortion and broke up with her abusive boyfriend. I got a job at the same company as her to take care of her because she was hardcore suicidal at the time. She's good now. She moved in with some rich guy and had a kid with him. She decided that doesn't like me anymore despite everything I did for her so its not like I…

TLDR; I can't leave my job without facing simultaneous joblessness, homelessness, and being blacklisted from working anywhere within the area. They are above the law. My life's purpose and dream is to help people and I'd like my next job to be that but I have no qualifications.


So I've been working at this company for 7 years now. I knew it was shit from the beginning but I got a job here because a friend of mine had just gotten an abortion and broke up with her abusive boyfriend. I got a job at the same company as her to take care of her because she was hardcore suicidal at the time. She's good now. She moved in with some rich guy and had a kid with him. She decided that doesn't like me anymore despite everything I did for her so its not like I can call in any favors there.

But now I'm trapped. Here's how this company works. They lure people in with almost affordable staff accommodation and a promised raise in the contract after 6 months. They then lead employees to believe that they'll get a raise every 6 months but this is a complete lie. They refuse to give additional raises in almost all cases. The only exception has been when the government raised the minimum wage and even then they refused to match it. If someone was making $15/hr when minimum was $13/hr then they didn't get bumped up to $17/hr. This resulted in 70% of the employees only making minimum wage again. They also intentionally overwork the staff by refusing to hire enough employees so we can't work another job to save enough money to get out. Because of how much the rent costs and how little money we make most of us only have $100 left over after bills and taxes.

On top of their usual strategy for trapping employees in the company they also blacklist anyone who quits or gets fired from working any other jobs at all in the area. None of the jobs here pay enough to afford renting anything in the area. This means that leaving the company will result in homeless and joblessness in the area if we don't have enough money saved up…which you've probably realized is not possible while working for the company. The company has effectively put themselves in a situation where they can treat us as horribly as they want and suffer no repercussions at all.

Now you're probably wondering why I've been at the company for 7 years. Well the first 3-4 years were to take care of my (at the time) very close friend. During that time my car kicked the bucket and the company forced me to get rid of it. So I can't live out of my car either. After my friend decided that she didn't like me anymore I stuck around a little longer because despite 98% of the management here being terrible people the boss I work directly under is actually the best I've ever had. I also had moved into a room that is large and cheap enough to be the best value living situation in the whole area and had the room all to myself because its a single occupant room. Leaving…if I could somehow dodge the blacklist…would result in me going back to square one. Also the other businesses in the area aren't much better.

Recently the company came under new management. I thought things would improve but that was a naive thought. The owner hired a new GM that would keep things just as bad. The new GM also went and put his incompetent and cold wife into the HR manager position. Now she's decided she doesn't like me and has been screwing with me constantly.

First there was the deep clean inspection of staff accommodation. It really isn't an issue when there's enough people living in the place but all my housemates quit at the same time so I had to scrub and clean literally every inch of the whole house. On top of that we were so understaffed at work I was doing the job of three people and working two hours over time every day. So I had no time or energy to get it done when they wanted it. I explained my situation and asked for more time but they didn't care and wrote me up.

And now they're trying to force me to share my room. The room has been a single occupant room for the last 10 years (possibly longer) because its too small for two people. I've told them this but they don't give a crap and basically said too bad. I even told them that if they force me to share my room with someone that I won't be able to help the employees with their mental health issues anymore due to being introverted and no longer being able to take care of myself enough first. Saying this actually made her even more hostile to me. Like me helping people was a personal offense to her. Btw, fun fact, I've kept 4 different employees from committing suicide.

Anyways. Now the camel's back is broken. I can't take this anymore. My only reason for being here now is my boss being a good boss but thats just not enough now. I won't even be able to help people anymore which was my other method of improving my mental health. I need to leave this place but feel completely trapped and can't find a way out on my own.

I'd like my next job to be one that helps people but I have no qualifications and when I leave this company (if I can) I won't be able to live or work in the area anymore. I also can't afford anything and can't turn to friends or family for help either.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Oh and please don't give me legal advice. This company is 100% above the law and controls the cops and even the government to an extent. Attempting any legal action against them will only make things even worse than they will be when I leave the company.

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