
moving to a new city without a job lined up

How do I show proof of employment to apartments? Im currently escaping DV and work for my abuser so using him as a reference is not an option and I can say I run my own business but dont have the taxes to back it because he controls the money I get (sporadic, not in an actual paycheck either) and controlled my tax filing.i have about 11k to my name so im hoping I can just show bank statements but every place seems to want 3x income. I have been interviewing and applying like crazy but everything Im getting call backs for only pays like $20 an hour which is not a qualifying wage for many apartments where Im moving. I dont think Ill have trouble finding a job once im there, the higher paying jobs that im qualifying for all say that they want someone who is already living…

How do I show proof of employment to apartments? Im currently escaping DV and work for my abuser so using him as a reference is not an option and I can say I run my own business but dont have the taxes to back it because he controls the money I get (sporadic, not in an actual paycheck either) and controlled my tax filing.i have about 11k to my name so im hoping I can just show bank statements but every place seems to want 3x income.

I have been interviewing and applying like crazy but everything Im getting call backs for only pays like $20 an hour which is not a qualifying wage for many apartments where Im moving. I dont think Ill have trouble finding a job once im there, the higher paying jobs that im qualifying for all say that they want someone who is already living there. The staffing agencies Ive contacted said the same.

How can I make this move happen? I have about a month to figure things out, get packed, and leave.

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