
Hit my f**k it point.

So until recently i worked at an assembly line job. The pay was good but our shift constantly got sh*t on because we were not making quota. Nevermind the fact that our shift was never prioritized for materials AND we constantly didn't have enough people. Our 'punishment' was to switch from 8 hour shifts to 10.5 hour shifts and work 6 days a week, and they wondered why their usual turnover rate nearly tripled for our shift. To keep things simple, nearly everyone on the line worked in teams of 2. One person does one half of something and the other person does the other. I did the front pipes and my partner did the side pipes. I had already asked to be moved from piping repeatedly because i was starting to develop trigger finger. Suffice to say i was denied because we didn't have enough people and if i…

So until recently i worked at an assembly line job. The pay was good but our shift constantly got sh*t on because we were not making quota. Nevermind the fact that our shift was never prioritized for materials AND we constantly didn't have enough people.

Our 'punishment' was to switch from 8 hour shifts to 10.5 hour shifts and work 6 days a week, and they wondered why their usual turnover rate nearly tripled for our shift.

To keep things simple, nearly everyone on the line worked in teams of 2. One person does one half of something and the other person does the other. I did the front pipes and my partner did the side pipes. I had already asked to be moved from piping repeatedly because i was starting to develop trigger finger. Suffice to say i was denied because we didn't have enough people and if i “could just hold on until i can get more people there”.

Fast forward past several complaints from management about side pipes touching, and suddenly the other day, (a day where i was the only piper to show up and had to get a replacement partner) my manager yells for me down the line and starts pointing and snapping about side pipes touching again. I grab the paperwork for the unit and without thinking just hold it up in front of her. And just keep pointing out that not only was i NOT the side piper, my signature was also not on the side pipe part.

She snaps at me “well next time i get another complaint about pipes touching, both pipers are getting written up no matter what!” And i just silently stare at her, quietly nod my head, and patiently wait for our next break and proceed to walk out the door without making a scene.

I don't really know if this fits here, but just know i slept well that night imagining her face when she realized i wasn't coming back.

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