
My Response to a job offer after the company reached out to me to see I would be interested in becoming head one of their sales divisions. This was addressed to the entire recruitment department.

Please review and forward to (Regional Sales Manager's Name ) as this is my decision to decline his offer for further steps to possible employment. Please feel free to pass it along to all whom this may concern.  “I did some soul searching as per your request. I have come to a decision on further steps. I'd assume that you would be my direct supervisor and after speaking with you I don't find that it would be a fit worth pursuing.  If I were to choose a new company and career change it would have to be worth my time, effort and most of all trust in my leadership and the company. As you were the representative for this company I have no trust in the leadership or the actual company.  Not only does someone in your position need to have full knowledge about the position you are attempting to fill…

Please review and forward to (Regional Sales Manager's Name ) as this is my decision to decline his offer for further steps to possible employment. Please feel free to pass it along to all whom this may concern. 

“I did some soul searching as per your request. I have come to a decision on further steps.
I'd assume that you would be my direct supervisor and after speaking with you I don't find that it would be a fit worth pursuing. 
If I were to choose a new company and career change it would have to be worth my time, effort and most of all trust in my leadership and the company. As you were the representative for this company I have no trust in the leadership or the actual company. 
Not only does someone in your position need to have full knowledge about the position you are attempting to fill but also should have common decency. I have been a director of operations of 4,500+ employees and contractors in my career. Countless interviews given. I never once treated a potential hire with such little respect and lack of trustworthiness. As I found no trustworthy traits in your character during our interview. Instead of arguing with and criticizing  a potential hire it might be worth the time and effort to show a little respect in that person. Your arrogance and overall rude disposition for someone whom you were attempting to hire to work under you was unprofessional, ridiculous and uncalled for in most settings. Your desire to move forward with the hiring process is completely unreciprocated. 
You should also do some soul searching yourself. Please try finding respect for your fellow people. Your position means little to anyone outside of your company. That includes potential hires. They are interviewing you just as much as you are interviewing them. This interview was a failure in your book. I may or may not have been the greatest and most worthy applicant but you are unaware of that before and after our interview due to your methods.
Quick Suggestion from someone who has actually read the EEO Act, you should probably take a look for future interviews.  
Good luck on all your future endeavors. “
I do not have any interest in your company any further due to his actions. The way this person chose to convey information as well as some of his questions were completely uncalled for as well as continued rudeness and unprofessional attitude. I will be forwarding this information to those I see fit. Someone should never mention age during an interview as this individual provided that age does not give merit to someone's own character. 
It doesn't speak well for a company that this is your chosen representative. Furthermore you may want to review the guidelines of hiring under the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 with this individual. As it may come to light to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in future instances.
People. Without people your company is nothing. Learn to treat them better or your company will never stop being a revolving door. It isn't on the employees, it's on how you treat the employees. 


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