
The fact that many people are working around 3 jobs to basically have a “permanent address” on their driver’s license is sad.

I see the same guy at work every day that does instacart. He asked me if we had an item in stock and luckily we did. I asked him if Instacart was a good way to make money on the side. He explained to me that he did Instacart in between his first and second job, and afterwards would work part time third shift at a chili canning place close by, any time off he'd have he'd spend door dashing. He makes just enough for rent and bills, and is only home for maybe 2 hours at max, but it's illegal to be homeless and it's expensive to leave the state (California) when you factor in moving costs, finding a place, and the fact that rent is rising everywhere. I feel horrible thinking how many people are doing something similar.

I see the same guy at work every day that does instacart. He asked me if we had an item in stock and luckily we did. I asked him if Instacart was a good way to make money on the side. He explained to me that he did Instacart in between his first and second job, and afterwards would work part time third shift at a chili canning place close by, any time off he'd have he'd spend door dashing.

He makes just enough for rent and bills, and is only home for maybe 2 hours at max, but it's illegal to be homeless and it's expensive to leave the state (California) when you factor in moving costs, finding a place, and the fact that rent is rising everywhere.

I feel horrible thinking how many people are doing something similar.

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