
I quit my job then my boss offered me a raise if I stay, I really need some advice.

To make it quick, im quitting my job because my boss and be an asshole to my coworker and I, but lately even before I quit he's been a bit nicer. Apart from some attitude he's a great boss. Let's us leave early, buys lunches, lets us leave to pickup car from shop or appointments, when its slow we sometimes just sit and chat and the work is relatively easy and doesn't micromanage. I accepted an offer for a job with same pay, 3% RRSP match and an extra week of vacation. A couple hours after I gave my two weeks, we had a chat and he offered a raise from 18.5 an hour to 22. 18.8% increase. An extra 7.5k a year. My current job also has yearly bonuses around 2k which the other place doesn't have. To add to this I just took my car into the shop…

To make it quick, im quitting my job because my boss and be an asshole to my coworker and I, but lately even before I quit he's been a bit nicer. Apart from some attitude he's a great boss. Let's us leave early, buys lunches, lets us leave to pickup car from shop or appointments, when its slow we sometimes just sit and chat and the work is relatively easy and doesn't micromanage.

I accepted an offer for a job with same pay, 3% RRSP match and an extra week of vacation. A couple hours after I gave my two weeks, we had a chat and he offered a raise from 18.5 an hour to 22. 18.8% increase. An extra 7.5k a year. My current job also has yearly bonuses around 2k which the other place doesn't have.

To add to this I just took my car into the shop and had to fork over 1600. My credit cards are maxed. and I just took out nearly all of my saving's just to be able to live the next little bit.

Do I stay an extra two years with my toxic boss or start at a new place and try and work up from there. Thoughts?

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