
A rant about being a younger person working in an older environment/ bias. Why are my medical needs less important than someone’s girls trip.

I tolerate my job and like my employers, they are usually great people and overall fair, except for now. I’m 18M, just finished high school, and I’ve been working at this restaurant since it opened (~1year ago), along with my coworker R (f 33). R is my bosses neighbor, so they have known each other for years, even before they owned this business. I have knee issues after a surgical complication that has recently been an issue It’s at a point where it needs to have another procedure done to fix it. I’m on a time frame since Im going to college soon. The position I work is limited, as only 3 of us are trained for it. For my surgery consult, I requested the day (Next tuesday) off a couple months . I informed my employers about what was happening, and they understood. Today, I learned the coworker who…

I tolerate my job and like my employers, they are usually great people and overall fair, except for now.

I’m 18M, just finished high school, and I’ve been working at this restaurant since it opened (~1year ago), along with my coworker R (f 33). R is my bosses neighbor, so they have known each other for years, even before they owned this business.

I have knee issues after a surgical complication that has recently been an issue It’s at a point where it needs to have another procedure done to fix it. I’m on a time frame since Im going to college soon.

The position I work is limited, as only 3 of us are trained for it.

For my surgery consult, I requested the day (Next tuesday) off a couple months . I informed my employers about what was happening, and they understood.

Today, I learned the coworker who was originally supposed to work, had to go to a funeral. So my boss asked me if I could work that day.

I said no, because of my previously mentioned reason, what about R?

“Oh well, R already spent money on this trip and it’s her first time there, I thought she should be able to go experience that since she needs the time off, adults don’t get that kind of time anymore.”

R and I are both part time employees who work the same hours. The place R is going to is only a 2 hour drive she was going to make anyways.

It’s seriously come to the point where I’m deciding if my part time job is more important than fixing my knee. If I no show, I’ll get written up or fired.

I just can’t believe that some ones trip is considered more important than someone else’s health.

I’m sick of being looked down upon because i’m younger, because that is what has happened this entire time. In fact almost all of my coworkers treat me differently because of my age. They assume i’m incompetent or something.

(Note: I knew about her trip because she was telling me about it awhile ago, it isn’t for a friend with cancer, a bucket list, or to fulfill anything. It’s just a short vacation from what I heard.)

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