
I have a bit of a horrible track record when it comes to jobs. figured I’d share it here.

As a 20 year old man living in my mom's basement I have had 4 jobs. I live in a household that pretty much expects me to have a job sense I was 16. Even during college, and once I get out they expect me to get work full time. 1st was at Wendy's which was all right. But once I graduated high school that's when my bad luck kicked in. Fresh out of highschool my first job was working at gershbecks (a small grocery store chain.) Where I worked the fish section. Where after a week they fired me over the phone because I had been playfully greeting customers by waving a giant crab arm from behind the counter. Then I got a job at good will where I lasted for a long while like a few months. And they demanded alot from everyone. I was a cashier but…

As a 20 year old man living in my mom's basement I have had 4 jobs. I live in a household that pretty much expects me to have a job sense I was 16. Even during college, and once I get out they expect me to get work full time.

1st was at Wendy's which was all right. But once I graduated high school that's when my bad luck kicked in.

Fresh out of highschool my first job was working at gershbecks (a small grocery store chain.) Where I worked the fish section. Where after a week they fired me over the phone because I had been playfully greeting customers by waving
a giant crab arm from behind the counter.

Then I got a job at good will where I lasted for a long while like a few months. And they demanded alot from everyone. I was a cashier but I also had to put away stock and clean the store and rush up front whenever anyone wanted to make a purchase. Which I feel personally was asking 1 guy to do the job of multiple people. But I'm stupid and lazy so I'm probably wrong about that. But they eventually let me go cause I used my phone to much, I didn't work hard enough, and appearently the biggest offense was looking into someone's bag. Not like grabbing it a searching it, I just leaned forward and peeked into her purse. Which to be fair I knew was wrong, if someone does rob the store we just are suppose to let it happen. Though it was just a in the moment sort of reaction And that got me fired.

My latest failure was working at a mattress store. That my mother somehow got me without my input. Got fired cause I would sit down on the break room to often. Which I did cause I'm lazy and standing up and pulling couches around is fucking hard. Plus after awhile my feet hurt and I hate pain. It also didn't help that I was fucking lied to. They told me “it's not that physically taxing.” Which is stupid I should of said no.

So now I'm stuck with 3 places I can't use as references. Currently working as a vet tech in a dog kennel and probably gonna get fired from it to eventually.

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