
I’m so close to quitting, should I do it ?

I’ve worked as a sr banker at a large bank for 3 years and recently we got a new manager who has driven me to my breaking point. He has put so much extra responsibility on me including forcing me into becoming a supervisor without my approval with no pay increase, making me train new hires which is his job, etc. My pay has gone down significantly since he has been overloading me With new responsibilities that don’t earn me anything monetary. He is new to the company and so I’ve even had to train him and I’m getting sick of this because I was shot down every time I asked for a raise as he told me “maybe a 3% raise at the end of the year” while I know brand new coworkers much lower than me are making the same base pay. He is extremely condescending and has…

I’ve worked as a sr banker at a large bank for 3 years and recently we got a new manager who has driven me to my breaking point. He has put so much extra responsibility on me including forcing me into becoming a supervisor without my approval with no pay increase, making me train new hires which is his job, etc. My pay has gone down significantly since he has been overloading me With new responsibilities that don’t earn me anything monetary. He is new to the company and so I’ve even had to train him and I’m getting sick of this because I was shot down every time I asked for a raise as he told me “maybe a 3% raise at the end of the year” while I know brand new coworkers much lower than me are making the same base pay.

He is extremely condescending and has me do time wasting stupid tasks just to inflate his ego, he talks down to me and tries to “educate” me on things that have nothing to do with my role. An example, today he had me add up all a clients transactions for the past 2 months one by one for no damn reason. I honestly feel like he is messing with me and purposely wastes my time because he knows I am not going to kiss up to him like some others on our team. He also criticizes me for not being able to force products on clients that don’t want them.

I don’t have a job lined up but I have 6 figures saved and live with my parents so I’m honestly strongly considering putting in my 2 weeks on Monday

It’s so difficult because I enjoy my job but I hate my manager and unfortunately he has to sign off on any transfers which I know he wouldn’t do if I decide to try to go to another team

I’m so conflicted because I don’t want to quit without a plan but I feel like I’m putting all this stress on myself for nothing since I still live with parents and have a lot in savings

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