
Little sister was fired after 5 days because the boss hired a different woman who was his friend.

I'm so mad on her behalf. I wish I could burn this place to the ground. My little sister got her first job at a place as a front desk secretary / assistant, and after only 5 days, she was let go because “they're automating the system.” Meanwhile, the other new hire who was doing the SAME JOB didn't get fired, and in fact my sister was later replaced by a woman the boss knows. Maybe I'm just angry, maybe it's totally rational that this is allowed, but it blows my mind.

I'm so mad on her behalf. I wish I could burn this place to the ground. My little sister got her first job at a place as a front desk secretary / assistant, and after only 5 days, she was let go because “they're automating the system.” Meanwhile, the other new hire who was doing the SAME JOB didn't get fired, and in fact my sister was later replaced by a woman the boss knows.

Maybe I'm just angry, maybe it's totally rational that this is allowed, but it blows my mind.

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