
struggling with navigating soul sucking capitalism

So for 11 years I've been in the fast food industry. I have a partial bachelor's degree but never finished because I was transitioning alone as a first Gen student. I ended up taking a job as a food service supervisor in 2017 where I learned effectively how to run and manage a store and everything that entails. In October of this past fall, one of my regular customers reached out to me and asked if I was interested in an ocasional position at the company she manages. I live in a country where cannabis is legal so it's a legal retailer. It was supposed to be 10 hours a week with good pay so I figured hey why not take this opportunity! I was doing both jobs for over 6 months. But the second gig almost immediately was demanding more than what I was told it would be. I…

So for 11 years I've been in the fast food industry. I have a partial bachelor's degree but never finished because I was transitioning alone as a first Gen student. I ended up taking a job as a food service supervisor in 2017 where I learned effectively how to run and manage a store and everything that entails. In October of this past fall, one of my regular customers reached out to me and asked if I was interested in an ocasional position at the company she manages. I live in a country where cannabis is legal so it's a legal retailer. It was supposed to be 10 hours a week with good pay so I figured hey why not take this opportunity!

I was doing both jobs for over 6 months. But the second gig almost immediately was demanding more than what I was told it would be. I was working 60 hour weeks between the two jobs which for me was unsustainable. But I loved the second Job and enjoyed being out of fast food as much as possible. The problem with the second job being there is no guarantee of hours no benefits etc.

Eventually about a month or so ago I stepped away from my fast food job. It has been a security blanket for years but I do not want to spend a career there. Now that I'm only focusing on my second job they're barely giving me enough hours to survive.

So I started a job hunt in earnest with my new learned skills. I have accepted a work from home technical support position that starts July 4th. Good salary good benefits from day one, pension plan etc. I'm super nervous to be pursuing a new opportunity outside of my comfort zone and also it's bittersweet giving up a job I love. But I can't pay the bills with passion and they won't offer any permanent positions. Figured I could come here for solidarity and support.

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