
My internship wants to commercialize my free labor. I’m quitting.

I posted about the same internship a few days ago, and SHIT'S GONE DOWN EVER SINCE! The last time my supervisor texted me at 3 am and asked me to be communicative and responsive, I informed her that there was a time difference and I cannot respond at 3 am. BUT SHE DID IT AGAIN. I got back home at 9 pm from school and took a nap till midnight to upload my work, she probably saw my activity and started spamming me at 3 am again. This time she threatens me with termination because I'm not communicative. When I applied for the internship I thought the description fits my expertise (audio), but they ended up forcing me to make 5+ videos for my first week which had nothing to do with audio! Their reason is that they are currently focusing on their youtube channel and they don't want to…

I posted about the same internship a few days ago, and SHIT'S GONE DOWN EVER SINCE! The last time my supervisor texted me at 3 am and asked me to be communicative and responsive, I informed her that there was a time difference and I cannot respond at 3 am. BUT SHE DID IT AGAIN. I got back home at 9 pm from school and took a nap till midnight to upload my work, she probably saw my activity and started spamming me at 3 am again. This time she threatens me with termination because I'm not communicative.

When I applied for the internship I thought the description fits my expertise (audio), but they ended up forcing me to make 5+ videos for my first week which had nothing to do with audio! Their reason is that they are currently focusing on their youtube channel and they don't want to dive into audio yet. So why do they want me, a person who has both a bachelor's and a master's degree in audio? I told them that I can create videos because I took a few electives in school, but it doesn't mean that I'm here for video creation, especially when the internship is sponsored by my school, and is supposed to be related to my field of study. But I decided to respect my tasks and create the videos for them, naturally, I'm really slow but I still finish them on time. My supervisor gave me some feedback, saying that my video “LOOKS TERRIBLE” (exactly how it was written). Fixing a 30-minute video while I was working on other videos eventually became too much (I'm moving to another state and having a symposium for school at the same time), so I tried to explain my situation to my supervisor hoping that she can give me an extension. Her response was “ok, but you had 3 days to make the video.” Yes I had 3 days, on top of a shit ton of other videos they wanted me to create, and my personal entanglement, plus I'm still trying to get used to video editing.

That wasn't even the worst. They probably kept my field of study in mind and asked me to create royalty-free music for their video content, for commercial use. Some people might find it ok for their own reason, but that doesn't align with the job description when I applied, and on top of that I don't have the energy to make music that I don't even get paid for. Especially a lot of royalty-free musicians sold their copyright to big companies, while all I get is more insults, threats, and spamming at 3 am.

I am reporting all of these incidents to my school, and once they give me the green light I will quit my internship. I've had enough for my first week.

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