
I think I gave up..

I have always been the hard worker the one going the extra mile. I have been working since I was 16 starting at a BK, some retail, finding a small calling in factory work, and I've always been the guy on top of bills and working on credit. But recently I got a management position at a Retail after working a year and it was absolutely insane the amount of stress put on my shoulders I absolutely ghosted the job. I went to different factory work and felt nothing but like a pawn. So I tried several work from home or independent delivery services and they were great until technical issues. But now I'm jobless racking up credit card debt and have been applying everywhere. But the world seems to be slowly crushing my spirits and I couldn't seem to give less of a shit that I am more than…

I have always been the hard worker the one going the extra mile. I have been working since I was 16 starting at a BK, some retail, finding a small calling in factory work, and I've always been the guy on top of bills and working on credit. But recently I got a management position at a Retail after working a year and it was absolutely insane the amount of stress put on my shoulders I absolutely ghosted the job. I went to different factory work and felt nothing but like a pawn. So I tried several work from home or independent delivery services and they were great until technical issues. But now I'm jobless racking up credit card debt and have been applying everywhere.

But the world seems to be slowly crushing my spirits and I couldn't seem to give less of a shit that I am more than likely going to be homeless in a little over a month if I don't find another job. I'm ready for either a social uproar of what the people actually need or this world to Re-evolutionize.

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