
How do Morth Americans (and others) accept that the majority of their wage come from tips/gratuity?

This probably willl get blocked by a mod… but I am so dumbfounded that the majority of Americans happily accept and promote tipping culture. I am all for a small gratuity at the end of a meal/service. But fixed 20% expectations are crazy. And to make it worse it’s how the server affords to live….. they wonder why their is a huge disparity of wealthy over there….. it’s with the blokes who own the cafes not paying their staff!

This probably willl get blocked by a mod… but I am so dumbfounded that the majority of Americans happily accept and promote tipping culture. I am all for a small gratuity at the end of a meal/service. But fixed 20% expectations are crazy. And to make it worse it’s how the server affords to live….. they wonder why their is a huge disparity of wealthy over there….. it’s with the blokes who own the cafes not paying their staff!

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