
Beware of how corporations might use antiwork

So I have been reading antiwork subs for a while now. And I've been thinking that we should really be cautious on how corporations and global elites might use the movement. We are moving toward a cashless world where we are supposed to own nothing and be happy. To me it sounds more like you can't do nothing, own nothing and will be forced to comply or die cause no food, no assets nothing. We might have more tume to enjoy stuffs in such a world but nothing will be offered to you outside of “universal revenue”. This no conspiracy theories. To rich elites, we are nothing but cattle and the less we will be able to afford, the less power and the more dependent we are, the better. Never forget that it's our incapacity to fight them that got us into fighting for our lives. Antiwork for them, but…

So I have been reading antiwork subs for a while now. And I've been thinking that we should really be cautious on how corporations and global elites might use the movement. We are moving toward a cashless world where we are supposed to own nothing and be happy. To me it sounds more like you can't do nothing, own nothing and will be forced to comply or die cause no food, no assets nothing. We might have more tume to enjoy stuffs in such a world but nothing will be offered to you outside of “universal revenue”. This no conspiracy theories.
To rich elites, we are nothing but cattle and the less we will be able to afford, the less power and the more dependent we are, the better. Never forget that it's our incapacity to fight them that got us into fighting for our lives.
Antiwork for them, but do so for “us” the real people.

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