

I was recently working as a Negotiations Specialist (glorified title for a collector) for a collections agency in Tampa. I had a very specific compensation plan, that being my salary plus 2 percent of total dollars collected for the specific client I worked on. At the beginning of April, I received my monthly commission email (for March) from our HR Director. I immediately emailed her back, as the calculation was incorrect. Without getting too technical, she had omitted 'house payments'. House payments are those that were set up by a collector who was no longer employed by the company. Ironically, some of these house payments were set up by yours truly, as I had left the company briefly in November (that is another post in itself). HR said she would consult with the VP of Operations and get back to me…which never happened. Fast forward to the beginning of May,…

I was recently working as a Negotiations Specialist (glorified title for a collector) for a collections agency in Tampa. I had a very specific compensation plan, that being my salary plus 2 percent of total dollars collected for the specific client I worked on. At the beginning of April, I received my monthly commission email (for March) from our HR Director. I immediately emailed her back, as the calculation was incorrect. Without getting too technical, she had omitted 'house payments'. House payments are those that were set up by a collector who was no longer employed by the company. Ironically, some of these house payments were set up by yours truly, as I had left the company briefly in November (that is another post in itself). HR said she would consult with the VP of Operations and get back to me…which never happened. Fast forward to the beginning of May, I received my commission email (for April)…not only hadn't the issue been rectified, but my commission had been further reduced. Another email to the HR Director; fortunately this time they set up a next day meeting with the Chief Operating Officer. (a no talent bully they had hired in March). Excepts from the conversation:

COO 'I decided to pay you on only what you collect'

Me ' Well number one, that isn't the deal you made with me. Several collectors wind up answering my inbound calls and taking payments, hence the reason for the methodology in the first place. Second, you decided to change my comp AFTER I earned it, which is bullshit. Not to mention it has been cut over 50%.'

COO 'Well how about I give you something else to do?'

Me 'How about I give you my badge and walk out?'

Which is exactly what I did. Fortunately, I am at retirement age, and can pay my bills without the benefit of full-time employment. Still, I enjoy working and am still very productive. This affords me a high degree of independence, which I chose to exercise in this instance. While I felt very good about the stand I took, I also thought about those who are not so fortunate, and have to deal with a POS like this.

I sent a CM like pipe bomb email to the owner of the company, describing my ordeal. Which, of course, was ignored.

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