
Do you think this is a fair workplace? If not what would you do?

So I am working at a new students job for about 2 months now and today an incident happened. It is a cinema buffet with only student workforce and flexible work schedule with no exact end of a workday. Weekdays are usually short (abt. 5 hours) and weekends are usually long (10+ hours) but nothing is set and stone. Yesterday I was called in for work despite me not being in the schedule. I went in on the condition of being able to leave on normal time. I wasn't able to leave before 10:45pm, and today I was working from 9:50 am. Today I wanted to go and eat lunch at a local place around 1:30 pm and I was able to go around 3:15 pm. Now there was a queue in the place I wanted to eat and despite placing my order before 3:20 pm I took 35 minutes…

So I am working at a new students job for about 2 months now and today an incident happened. It is a cinema buffet with only student workforce and flexible work schedule with no exact end of a workday. Weekdays are usually short (abt. 5 hours) and weekends are usually long (10+ hours) but nothing is set and stone.

Yesterday I was called in for work despite me not being in the schedule. I went in on the condition of being able to leave on normal time. I wasn't able to leave before 10:45pm, and today I was working from 9:50 am. Today I wanted to go and eat lunch at a local place around 1:30 pm and I was able to go around 3:15 pm. Now there was a queue in the place I wanted to eat and despite placing my order before 3:20 pm I took 35 minutes to get back to work. (20 minutes is the offical lunchtime, but a groupleader said they are pretty flexible with it.)

So anyways I come back and the the groupleader told me that the manager said I took to long with the lunchtime. (the manager is like a 25 yo girl who just got promoted and the groupleader is even younger fyi) I replied with “there was a queue at my fast food restaurant” and the group leader replied with the “you have to calculate with it”. I hope she teaches me how to calculate with an unknown amount of queue and what I am supposed to do with my calculations someday. I told her I was asking for like a lunch brake 2 hours before so I don't understand why this is even a problem.

I heard the manager talk about this behind my back, but I proceeded to work till 8:15 pm without any further brakes.

I was honestly mindblown by this scenario and it made me wonder why this flexibility is so one-way only.

Should I do anything? If yes what would you recommend?

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