
worked for a friend for “great pay”

I'm mostly just trying to get this off my chest. I decided to work for a “friend” after I had my babies for some extra income. She has several Fiiz drinks locations. She told me it would be really good pay, and it was literally minimum wage. She did her own paychecks, and NEVER got my hours right, and always paid me a lot less than I should have gotten. I would literally have to beg for my paycheck. Sometimes it would even be more than a week late. If I made over 100$ for two weeks part time I was shocked. I finally told her I couldn't do it anymore cause I was spending more on gas than what she was paying me. I've seen her post several times looking for employees while her and her husband make over 300,000$ a year with fiiz and the company he works…

I'm mostly just trying to get this off my chest. I decided to work for a “friend” after I had my babies for some extra income.

She has several Fiiz drinks locations. She told me it would be really good pay, and it was literally minimum wage. She did her own paychecks, and NEVER got my hours right, and always paid me a lot less than I should have gotten. I would literally have to beg for my paycheck. Sometimes it would even be more than a week late. If I made over 100$ for two weeks part time I was shocked. I finally told her I couldn't do it anymore cause I was spending more on gas than what she was paying me.

I've seen her post several times looking for employees while her and her husband make over 300,000$ a year with fiiz and the company he works for. She constantly posts photos of her gigantic backyard pool and her mega mansion. “Omg, my day was rough so I decided to swim in our pool and buy a brand new range rover” type of shit. All while her employees are literally trying to scrape up any scraps of pay. I'm honestly surprised the IRS hasn't shown up at her door.

I only worked there for maybe 3 months. She kept promising to give me a raise and when I looked at the raise it was 25 cents. She texted me some bullshit like “I gave you a raise for your hard work.” Pretty much a slap in face. We were all told never to discuss our pay with each other. I had enough and asked around. Others were making 1$ more than me, and I was basically doing the work of a supervisor without the pay.

She got jealous of the pay I received as a waitress and kept promising to match my pay. So I said “okay. I make 100$ every shift, can you match that?” She said “no, but I can pay you 9$ an hour.” I never talked to her again after that message.

I really hope Karma pays her a visit one of these days.

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