
I hate job, whatever it is.

Sometimes I feel envy for someone who enjoys or love their job, for me I always hate my job or at least not enjoying it. When people ask me “if you can have your dream job today what it will be?” for me I honestly don't know, I'm often say some generic dream job title so they think I'm a normal functioning adult who have goals in their career. And sometimes a phrase “I enjoy my job” feels like an oxymoron to me. Even when I think about something I like or my hobbies as my job I would still hate it as well, Morgan Housel summerizes it about what I feel very well in his book Pyschology of Money. “Doing something you love on a schedule you can’t control can feel the same as doing something you hate.”

Sometimes I feel envy for someone who enjoys or love their job, for me I always hate my job or at least not enjoying it. When people ask me “if you can have your dream job today what it will be?” for me I honestly don't know, I'm often say some generic dream job title so they think I'm a normal functioning adult who have goals in their career. And sometimes a phrase “I enjoy my job” feels like an oxymoron to me.

Even when I think about something I like or my hobbies as my job I would still hate it as well,
Morgan Housel summerizes it about what I feel very well in his book Pyschology of Money.

“Doing something you love on a schedule you can’t control can feel the same as doing something you hate.”

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