
Is there a legal/liability problem with returning to work before the date my doctor allows in the work note?

Had a trauma incident and needed surgery and recovery in hospital. Want to get back to work asap since it's a new job and I don't want to rattle my security with them. Doctor's note says return in one week. Doesn't specify if that's from the intake date (last tuesday) or discharge date (last wednesday.) Regardless I'm thinking of returning this Monday (1 day early) but everyone keeps saying my employer legally can't allow me back sooner than what the doctor's note says, but now it's Sunday night and I've already told my manager I'd be in Monday morning. He said to bring my doctor's note for HR so they haven't seen it yet. I'm in NW Ohio. USA.

Had a trauma incident and needed surgery and recovery in hospital. Want to get back to work asap since it's a new job and I don't want to rattle my security with them. Doctor's note says return in one week. Doesn't specify if that's from the intake date (last tuesday) or discharge date (last wednesday.) Regardless I'm thinking of returning this Monday (1 day early) but everyone keeps saying my employer legally can't allow me back sooner than what the doctor's note says, but now it's Sunday night and I've already told my manager I'd be in Monday morning. He said to bring my doctor's note for HR so they haven't seen it yet.

I'm in NW Ohio. USA.

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