
Do people in this sub really have no idea what their human rights are?

I see posts every day along the lines of ‘can my boss keep half my wages?’ or ‘my workplace doesn’t let me drink water’. Do you guys honestly not have the vaguest idea what your basic human rights are or are you all just really awkward and would rather do a Reddit post than stand up for yourself? EDIT: okay maybe some of you actually don’t have the right to drink water? Slightly hard to believe but maybe I’ve been blind to quite how bad things are over in the US. Sorry if it came across as ignorant.

I see posts every day along the lines of ‘can my boss keep half my wages?’ or ‘my workplace doesn’t let me drink water’.

Do you guys honestly not have the vaguest idea what your basic human rights are or are you all just really awkward and would rather do a Reddit post than stand up for yourself?

EDIT: okay maybe some of you actually don’t have the right to drink water? Slightly hard to believe but maybe I’ve been blind to quite how bad things are over in the US. Sorry if it came across as ignorant.

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