
Cover letters for entry level positions are super stupid

I'm a second year uni student in the UK looking at getting an Entry Level position in jobs relating to my topic, Biological Sciences. As expected, most of them pay like shit since degrees are meaning less nowadays. But what really irks me is the importance that the Entry Level jobs put on a cover letter? What am I supposed to bloody say? Do they really expect me to act like working for them is my dream, or some great honour? “Oh wow, I sure am glad I'm getting paid 20k a year when I'm 60-80k in student debt this is totally my damn dream.” The reason why anyone like me would be getting an entry level job is simple. I want money, and I want to do something I'm good at. I don't think it's right to essentially force students to suck up to companies providing entry level positions…

I'm a second year uni student in the UK looking at getting an Entry Level position in jobs relating to my topic, Biological Sciences. As expected, most of them pay like shit since degrees are meaning less nowadays. But what really irks me is the importance that the Entry Level jobs put on a cover letter? What am I supposed to bloody say?

Do they really expect me to act like working for them is my dream, or some great honour? “Oh wow, I sure am glad I'm getting paid 20k a year when I'm 60-80k in student debt this is totally my damn dream.” The reason why anyone like me would be getting an entry level job is simple. I want money, and I want to do something I'm good at. I don't think it's right to essentially force students to suck up to companies providing entry level positions like its such a blessing for them to be considering their application.

It just feels like they have such a sense of entitlement. I could understand if it was some big leagues role where the money was genuinely good, but it's not. I would make the same amount of money driving around in a van all day, and that doesn't require going into 60k in debt to do.

In summary, all the info an employer would want about someone is in a CV, so why bother forcing people to suck up to them in a cover letter instead of just reading the CV and making a judgement based on that for an entry level position? There doesn't seem to be a point and it just seems dumb to me. Am I missing something?

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