
After three weeks of nothing. The clock in the factory was set to 4:20. Story below.

I need to vent. The company I work for is big. They reported a $2 billion profit this last fiscal year. Upper management comes in one day a month, which includes a full catered meal, just for them. Due to Covid they will not come in more than one day a month. Their job is to decide on who gets their “help tickets“ worked on. Maintenance manager requested one AA battery for the shop floor clock. The request was denied. The clock has not worked in three weeks due to them denying one battery. Today, the clock was set to read 4:20. It may stay that way forever. It does not really matter, but they had 11 requests, all denied. When they do talk to us, which is maybe once every three months, the tell us the problem is we complain too much. For The Love of God, they cannot…

I need to vent.
The company I work for is big.
They reported a $2 billion profit this last fiscal year.
Upper management comes in one day a month, which includes a full catered meal, just for them.
Due to Covid they will not come in more than one day a month.
Their job is to decide on who gets their “help tickets“ worked on.
Maintenance manager requested one AA battery for the shop floor clock.
The request was denied.
The clock has not worked in three weeks due to them denying one battery.
Today, the clock was set to read 4:20.
It may stay that way forever.
It does not really matter, but they had 11 requests, all denied.
When they do talk to us, which is maybe once every three months, the tell us the problem is we complain too much.
For The Love of God, they cannot even give us one battery.

One thing worth mentioning, is in stock, we literally have 14,000 AA batteries. Every battery must be allocated.
They probably spent thousands talking about denying us everything. I am sure the food cost hundreds.
All we were asking for is one damn battery.
If they cannot supply that, it may as well be 4:20.

I did not set the clock to that, but I give props to who did.

thanks for reading.

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