
An example of a boss being awesome.

This might sound like prowork, but I think it's a story that might be appreciated here. I work as a data entry peon at a small accounting office. I had zero experience in the field when I was hired less than a year ago, but I am putting in good effort, getting along wonderfully with everyone, learning a lot and enjoying it a surprising amount. Answering phone calls is a part of the job, and most clients are at least polite, with a snippety douchebag here and there. One of the calls today was a guy who started yelling and cussing about not being able to reach the owner or the other accountant he worked with in a timely manner. “I'm a client! It's fucking bullshit that I cannot talk to them and sometimes they don't respond for fucking weeks!”, etc. My co-worker was close enough to hear and she…

This might sound like prowork, but I think it's a story that might be appreciated here.

I work as a data entry peon at a small accounting office. I had zero experience in the field when I was hired less than a year ago, but I am putting in good effort, getting along wonderfully with everyone, learning a lot and enjoying it a surprising amount.

Answering phone calls is a part of the job, and most clients are at least polite, with a snippety douchebag here and there. One of the calls today was a guy who started yelling and cussing about not being able to reach the owner or the other accountant he worked with in a timely manner. “I'm a client! It's fucking bullshit that I cannot talk to them and sometimes they don't respond for fucking weeks!”, etc. My co-worker was close enough to hear and she was wincing.

So, I give the main accountant/owner the message about the call and mention that the guy was yelling and cussing. He had clients in his office (which is why I didn't put the phone call through) and asked them to hold on, called up the guy and repeatedly screamed at him to never yell at his staff again. Then, when the guy started arguing with him, he told him that they're done and to find another accountant.

That felt good. I already felt appreciated three raises later in less than a year since I started, but that was very cool. I like working there even more now and am even more fond of the boss.

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